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Find Calm Amidst the Chaos

Free PDF Circles of Control

Hello and welcome!

If you’re here, it’s likely because you’re navigating the challenging waters of a recent cancer diagnosis. I want you to know that you’re not alone. My name is Diandra, and as a two-time cancer survivor, I’ve been where you are now. The feelings of overwhelm, fear, and uncertainty are all too familiar to me, and it’s my mission to help you find your footing.

What You’ll Get with “Circles of Control”

Our “Circles of Control” PDF is designed to help you focus your energy on what truly matters during this time. 
This resource will guide you through a simple yet powerful framework, helping you to differentiate between what you can control, what you can influence, and what is beyond your control. 
With this clarity, you can start taking actionable steps to manage your well-being and regain a sense of control in your life.

Why sign up?

By signing up to receive our “Circles of Control” PDF, you’ll also join our compassionate and supportive email community. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Guided Journal Prompts: Thought-provoking prompts to help you navigate your thoughts and emotions.
  • Regular Updates: Stay informed with the latest resources, including IG Live/Youtube videos, blog posts, and more.
  • Exclusive Content: Be the first to know about new courses and workshops designed to support your journey.

How to sign up

Signing up is easy and completely free. Just enter your email address below, and we’ll send you the “Circles of Control” PDF right to your inbox. You’ll also receive a series of welcome emails so we can get to know each other better, followed by our monthly newsletters packed with encouragement, tips, and resources to help you thrive. Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time if it’s not for you.